Nominations sought for Ethic of Service award

Nominations now are being accepted for the annual Gerry & Bob Virgil Ethic of Service Award, which honors members of the WUSTL community who exemplify a character of service and giving to the St. Louis region.

All WUSTL community members who reside in St. Louis, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, retirees and volunteers, are eligible.

Characteristics of award honorees include: compassion for others; passion for a social, cultural or economic issue; positive impact on St. Louis community; serving the community as a way of life; going above and beyond professional responsibilities; demonstrating selflessness; inspiring others; and positively influencing people’s perceptions of St. Louis.

The submission deadline is 5 p.m. Feb. 1. Nominations must be submitted online. To submit a nomination or learn more, visit

Decisions are announced in March and honorees will be recognized at a reception, followed by a private dinner, in mid-April.