Tis the season for holiday news tips

Expert insight on Christmas culture clash, New Year's Resolutions

WUSTL experts offers tips on understanding the
perennial Christmas culture clashes, as well as a round-up of 13 New
Year’s resolutions designed to help you become healthier, happier and
wiser in 2013.

A ‘War on Christmas?’ Let’s talk, religious historian says

WUSTL scholar explains how Christians and non-Christians can begin to understand one other

While some Christians may declare there’s a war on Christmas and choose to proclaim their faith with the shout of a billboard, some atheists find it an equally opportune time to boldly express their disdain for the holiday that has been foisted upon them.There may be no easy solutions to this modern-day religious war, but one religious historian says that we all might be a little better off if we simply took the time to try and understand one another.


‘Taking Christ out of Christmas’ is nothing new, historian says

Roots of secular Christmas celebrations go deep into American history

While many may see “taking Christ out of Christmas” as a recent phenomenon, the roots of secular Christmas celebrations and commercialization go deep into American history, says Anne Blankenship, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate at the John C. Danforth Center for Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.


Religious holiday displays – three wise men and a heap of legal troubles

Cost of religious victory may outweigh the benefit says legal expert

“The Supreme Court’s approach to public religious displays under the Establishment Clause has been less than clear,” says John Inazu, JD, expert on religion and the constitution and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. Future litigation could bring more clarity, but even apparent victories for religious liberty may come at a significant cost, he says.


How to have a healthy holiday: The key is balance

Obesity prevention experts offer tips to navigate the holidays

There’s nothing wrong with a cookie or a glass of eggnog at the holidays, says Debra Haire-Joshu, PhD, director of the Center for Obesity Prevention and Policy Research and the Center for Diabetes Translation Research at Washington University in St. Louis and associate dean for research at the Brown School. The key, Haire-Joshu says, is balance.


New Year’s resolutions: 13 for ’13

13 notable, no-holds-barred, what-are-you-waiting-for, research-based New Year’s resolutions to make 2013 your best year yet

As the holidays draw near, expect the usual onslaught of well-intentioned suggestions for lifestyle changes guaranteed to make you healthier, wealthier and wiser in the new year. Talk is cheap, but these 13 New Year’s resolutions for 2013 are backed up by decades of research. If your resolve needs strengthening, click through the embedded web links to learn more about the research behind the resolutions, including tips on using your smart phone to quit smoking and the best way to pay down your holiday debt.
