Stay up-to-date on WUSTL’s Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct governs members of the university community: employees, volunteers and those who do business with the university.

It states the ethical and legal standards that guide their decisions and actions as community members. The Code of Conduct is revised from time to time. An updated version of the code is always available online at

Brookings Hall

Below is a summary of the Code of Conduct’s key features.Integrity and ethical conduct

Washington University is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct as an integral part of its mission: the promotion of learning. To achieve this goal, the university relies on each community member’s behavior, honesty, integrity and good judgment. Each community member should demonstrate respect for the rights of others. Each community member is accountable for his or her actions.

Compliance with laws and university policies

The university and each community member must transact university business in compliance with all laws, regulations and university policies related to their positions and areas of responsibility. Managers and supervisors are responsible for teaching and monitoring compliance in their areas.

Violations or concerns

Community members are expected to report violations or concerns about violations of the Code of Conduct that come to their attention. Managers have a special duty to adhere to the standards set forth in the Code of Conduct, to recognize violations and to enforce the standards.

There are four ways to report a violation or discuss a concern:

• Report violations or concerns to your immediate supervisor or department head, if appropriate.

• Call the individual responsible for the related compliance area. A list of these individuals appears in the complete version of the Code of Conduct at

• Call the University Compliance Office’s telephone hotline at (314) 362-4998. Reports may be made anonymously to the hotline if the caller so desires, as the hotline has no caller or telephone number identification.

• Email the University Compliance Office by completing the online reporting form and clicking the “submit” button. Emails are anonymous unless the emailer chooses to include contact information.

Questions about the Code of Conduct or anonymous reporting may be directed to Gail Peters, executive director of Compliance and Audit, at (314) 362-4915.