Brown School dean search committee formed

Provost Holden Thorp, PhD, has appointed an eight-member committee to identify candidates for the position of dean of the Brown School.
Edward F. Lawlor, PhD, the William E. Gordon Distinguished Professor, announced last week that he will step down as dean, a position he has held since 2004, at the end of the academic year, June 30, 2016. He will remain at the university as the Gordon Professor.
Nancy Staudt, JD, PhD, dean of the School of Law and Howard & Caroline Cayne Professor of Law, will chair the Brown School dean search.
Thorp and the committee will work to have a new dean in place by July 1, 2016. “Under the leadership of Dean Staudt, I am confident this committee will be successful and identify the very best person to lead the nations’ strongest school of social work and public health,” Thorp said. “Dean Lawlor’s service has been exemplary and he leaves a legacy as dean that is unmatched.”

The committee

In addition to Staudt, committee members are:
  • Steven Fazzari, PhD, the Bert A. and Jeanette L. Lynch Distinguished Professor of Economics and chair of the department of sociology in Arts & Sciences;
  • Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD, professor at the Brown School and associate director of the Center for Social Development;
  • Debra Haire-Joshu, PhD, the Joyce Wood Professor, director of the Center for Diabetes Translation Research and director of the Center for Obesity Prevention and Policy Research;
  • Sean Joe, PhD, the Benjamin E. Youndahl Professor of Social Development and associate dean for faculty & research at the Brown School;
  • Eugene (Gene) Kahn, member of the university Board of Trustees and chair of the Brown School’s National Council;
  • Enola Proctor, PhD, the Shanti K. Khinduka Distinguished Professor at the Brown School and director of the Center for Mental Health Services Research; and
  • Harry Taylor, doctoral student at the Brown School.