On Apollo legacy, and why we should return to the moon

On Apollo legacy, and why we should return to the moon

Humans have already learned much from the very first moon samples collected by the Apollo program astronauts. As NASA plans for its next manned mission by 2024, a leading lunar expert shares his science priorities for the return: “We need to learn how to live and work off Earth and beyond the low Earth orbit.”

Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke to talk about his ‘Journey to the Moon’

Charlie Duke, Apollo 16 astronaut and moonwalker, will discuss “A Journey to the Moon!” on Nov. 1 in Brookings Hall, Room 300, at Washington University. His talk, which is free and open to the public, will immediately follow a public ceremony at 2:30 p.m. in which he will present WUSTL Arts & Sciences senior Lonia Friedlander with a $10,000 scholarship from the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation.