Computer scientist aims for a better-networked military

Image courtesy U.S. ArmyWUSTL’s Patrick Crowley is proposing a novel network for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to manage information better simultaneously in real-time.Patrick Crowley, a WUSTL computer architect, intends to design a new kind of network for the Department of Defense (DoD) to facilitate real-time information in the field so that every foot soldier, commander, tank and transport vehicle is networked. Crowley will use the WUSTL programmable network platform that can scale real-time information sharing over several orders of magnitude, from a handful of interconnected platforms to thousands and tens of thousands. He hopes to facilitate better information sharing in the military.

Free access service allows remote networking

A router in the new Open Network Laboratory, funded by NSF.A novel networking service has been made available to the research community by computer scientists at Washington University in St. Louis, enabling researchers and students remote, free use of the latest networking technology. Ultimately, the new Open Network Laboratory (ONL )can lead to innovations that can expand the capability of the Internet and other networking environments, said its director, Jonathan S. Turner, Ph.D., Henry Edwin Sever Professor of Engineering, and professor of computer science and engineering at WUSTL.

Job-seeking college seniors must stand out from the crowd

It’s not too late to pay a visit to a career center.With the slow economy today, the job market in the United States is tough. College seniors graduating this spring with little or no work experience may find it especially difficult to land that first professional job. But even if a graduating senior doesn’t have a resume together or has never been on an interview, it is not too late to pay a visit to a career center, says Lea Luchetti, director of The Career Center at Washington University in St. Louis.