Time is not on your side

Time is not on your side

The central finding of an Olin Business School study published May 15 in the Journal of Consumer Research was that people faced with scheduled appointments in an upcoming hour or more: (a) perceive they have less time than in reality; (b) perform fewer tasks as a result; and (c) are less likely to attempt extended-time tasks that can be feasibly accomplished or more lucrative.
Reason you’re late may vary with age

Reason you’re late may vary with age

A song is just a song, but as time goes by, something as random as a song’s length could be the difference in whether you miss an important deadline or arrive late for an appointment, suggests time-management research from Washington University in St. Louis.
When college kids come home for the winter break, stress and tension can mount

When college kids come home for the winter break, stress and tension can mount

Students may come home exhausted from the stress of final exams.When college students return home for their winter break, it can be an adjustment for the entire family. While parents may have preconceived ideas about how the family will spend the holidays, students are anxious to try out their newfound independence. “The winter break is the first extended time at home for most freshmen since they left for college in the summer,” says Karen Levin Coburn, associate vice chancellor for students and dean of the freshman transition at Washington University in St. Louis. “The first semester at college may have been their first glimpse of freedom. They wonder if it is possible to go home and still maintain their newfound independence.” More…