The Record

News for the Washington University Campuses & Community
Straight from The Source

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016

Top Stories

NSF announces new Science and Technology Center

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has added a collaboration between Washington University and the University of Pennsylvania to its list of Science and Technology Centers. A $23.6 million NSF grant will support the new center, one of 12 nationally.

$10 million gift creates Bursky Center for Human Immunology

The School of Medicine has received a $10 million gift in support of the Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky Center for Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Programs. The center is dedicated to understanding the immune system and its potential for fighting disease.

Political illustrations of the past

In mid-century America, the illustrator was a key part of the media mix. The Douglas B. Dowd Modern Graphic History Library, which features hundreds of images of politicians and voters, will be dedicated today.

Where and when does America begin?

In this video, Abram Van Engen, of Arts & Sciences, examines the surprising history of John Winthrop’s striking image of “a city upon a hill” and its subsequent adoption by presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.

Registered and ready

Thousands of university students have registered to vote with TurboVote or in other ways. The Gephardt Institute is working to boost the campus registration and voter participation rates. Students have another chance today, as it’s National Voter Registration Day.

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3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28

Graduate School fair

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Presidential Debate Oct. 9, 2016. Visit for more

WashU in the News

How Clinton’s or Trump’s nominees could affect the balance of the Supreme Court

The New York Times

WashU offers up to a free ride to KIPP alumni who meet standards

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

A geek’s guide to smart study habits

The Boston Globe

Ellen Port wins third U.S. Senior Women’s Amateur

The Associated Press | ESPN

See more WashU in the News →

Campus Voices

The importance of inclusion

Rebecca Linz O’Laughlin, a parent who works in Arts & Sciences administration, writes an opinion piece in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch about the importance of including children with disabilities in classrooms with other students.

Read more Campus Voices →


Stephanie Markovina photoStephanie Markovina, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of radiation oncology at the School of Medicine, received the 2016 Junior Faculty Career Research Training Award from the American Society for Radiation Oncology. She also receives a two-year, $200,000 grant.

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Who Knew WashU?

Who Knew WashU graphicQuestion: Which presidential debate hosted by Washington University was lampooned in a “Saturday Night Live” skit starring Will Ferrell and Darrell Hammond?
A) 1992 B) 1996 C) 2000 D) 2004

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