Washington University in St. Louis

The Record

Friday, May 6, 2022

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Reading week at WashU

What are WashU students doing during reading week? Arts & Sciences and Olin junior Amanda Sherman hits the Danforth Campus to find out. She meets students who have scored big summer internships, performed in campus shows and survived organic chemistry.

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Reading week at WashU




Founder Friday: Cortex CEO Sam Fiorello

Noon Friday, May 6



Singing tribute to Christine Armistead

7:30 p.m. Friday, May 6

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WashU in the News

Runway ready: Washington U students design party clothes for youth with disabilities

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

How pleasant touch sends feel-good vibes up the spine

Psychology Today

Sleep apnea correlates with increased traffic accidents for older adults, sleep expert says

St. Louis Public Radio

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Campus and community news


‘Navigating math identity as an educator’

Joslyn Richardson, a math instructional specialist with the university’s Institute for School Partnership, writes about her personal journey with math as first a learner and then a teacher, as well as how to encourage students at all levels to have a positive relationship with math.

Institute for School Partnership

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Who Knew WashU?

Question: Who has not given a Commencement speech at WashU?

Answer: D) Eleanor Roosevelt never gave a Commencement address at WashU. She did, however, deliver two lectures at the university in the 1950s.

Congrats to this week’s winner, Phyllis Dunn, who works in Accounting Operations and will receive an “I Knew WashU” luggage tag!