“In an election cycle where students will influence the outcome unlike any election in recent memory, it is exciting to be at the interface between national politics and the student body.”
Biography: As editor-in-chief of Student Life, Washington University’s independent newspaper, Sam Guzik, supervises a senior staff of 15, coordinates recruitment, retention and training for a staff of approximately 200, works with student leaders and administrators, and oversees production of the newspaper, which is published three times a week with a circulation of 7,000.
He said he and his staff are looking forward to working on a story of national importance and making it relevant to their readers. “Even as the professional media starts to swarm campus, we look forward to providing solid community coverage — with a focus on the issues relevant to and impacting our students, faculty and staff — that will distinguish us from our competitors,” says Guzik.
With an ever-watchful eye on what’s happening on campus, Guzik notes that, “Just looking around campus in the first few weeks of classes, I can already see more people getting passionate about the election — students joining political groups, advocating for various issues, looking to register others to vote and more. As we report, we’re looking to channel that energy and translate the excitement from students of all political persuasions into a solid picture of what’s happening on campus.”
The 20-year-old junior is also getting a solid picture of what’s happening among college students around the country. Since October 2007, he has served as national editor of Scoop08.com, the first daily national student newspaper comprising a network of hundreds of correspondents and commentators providing in-depth coverage of the 2008 presidential election.
Guzik supervises the student journalists across the nation by developing angles that would help them in covering the 2008 election in their geographic regions. He also contributes blog posts and edits the work of regional correspondents and unsolicited submissions for publication on Scoop08.com.
“I’m hopeful that the vice presidential debate will highlight important issues in the campaign and that it will draw viewers from around the nation. Especially given the circumstances surrounding both candidates and the increased power of the vice president in the post-Bush era, the debate is even more relevant to the campaign and to the political process,” says Guzik.
Hometown: Roslyn, NY
Major/minor: English literature and political science
Student contact information: sguzik@wustl.edu