The 2020 Census must count us all – including every black male

Sean Joe in Hillman HallSean Joe, Benjamin E. Youngdahl Professor of Social Development


Not since the times of slavery that such a unique opportunity existed to ensure that every black households in St. Louis is completely and accurately counted.

During slavery, the nation made sure that few blacks were miscounted, especially in the Southern states, for it was in their immoral self-interest. Because of the new online and telephone census process, coupled with the unfortunate need for COVID-19 pandemic stay-at-home restrictions, many Americans now have the time and an easy way to self-determine how much resources for hospitals, schools, housing, and improved roads they will have in years to come by simply completing their household’s 2020 census.

Completing the 2020 census – and everyone verifying it is done, one family at a time – can guarantee shelter, education and food on the table for today’s children and tomorrow’s grandchildren, especially for those living in North City and North County.

Read the full piece in the St. Louis American.