Think Like a Doctor, Lead Like a CEO

The MD Brain for the CEO Strain

Unlock the secrets of the medical mindset and strategic leadership to heal corporate cultures and lead with purpose.

Drawing on her extensive medical and executive expertise, Dr. Mary Mason blends clinical precision with business acumen to pioneer a revolutionary leadership approach. Master the art of strategic diagnosis as you do these:

  • Accurately identify root causes of organizational issues.
  • Design systematic treatment plans driving transformative change.
  • Rally and empower teams through inspired, collaborative roles.

Backed by real-world case studies, Mason leverages her background as an internist, innovator, and CEO of award-winning franchises. Her medically minded methodology instills the clinical clarity to conquer dilemmas with empathy and vision.

Embark on a transformative journey with Think Like a Doctor, Lead Like a CEO. Elevate your leadership skills, unlock the medical mindset, and lead with confidence. Pick up your prescription today and revolutionize your approach to leadership. The time for a checkup is now!

About the author

Mary Mason leverages her expertise as a physician, business leader and award-winning entrepreneur to pioneer a revolutionary leadership approach within the pages of Think Like a Doctor, Lead Like a CEO. She currently serves as associate director of The Cordell Institute at Washington University in St. Louis and as chief executive officer of Little Medical School, which boasts 60+ international locations focused on healthcare workforce development.

Formerly the chief medical officer of Fortune 25 company Centene Corporation, Mason spearheaded clinical programs improving patient outcomes through innovation. She additionally founded an accredited institute offering free medical business education. An experienced executive with international scope and board-certified internist volunteering in underserved communities, Mason offers readers a powerful blend of clinical and leadership acumen. Her transformative methodology instills the strategic clarity today’s executives require to diagnose dilemmas, rally teams and confidently drive organizational success.