Karl L. Buschmann

Karl L. Buschmann, GR77, was appointed to the Illinois District Export Council by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

Myrna Greenfield

Myrna Greenfield, LA77, published Marketing Your Farm: A practical guide to attracting loyal customers and increasing sales (Savvy Press, 2022). Greenfield, who lives in Boston, is the “Top Egg” at Good Egg Marketing, an agency that promotes good food and good causes. Her wife, Michelle Johnson, is a retired journalist.

Sharon Curcio

Sharon Curcio, GB77, attended the world premiere of “Contemplating Fire,” an oratorio based on her lyric play, in Midland, Mich., in October 2022. She collaborated with composer Robert Hart, whose highly percussive score paired with Curcio’s libretto, and both score and libretto were well- received and well-reviewed.

Ted Rich

Ted Rich, LA77, happily retired, writes that his WashU experience changed his life, including by teaching him how to learn and how to be a critical thinker. With clear personal pride, he shares that he is the father of two children and the grandfather of four, has been married almost 40 years, enjoyed a good […]

Walter Zoller

Walter Zoller, LA77, retired as a general and cosmetic dentist and is now a forensic dentist in east central Florida.

Stephanie Barbé Hammer

Stephanie Barbé Hammer, GR77, shares proudly that her second novel, Pretend Plumber (Inlandia, May 2022), received rave reviews from Publishers Weekly Book Life, BlueInk and Jewish Book Council. The comic adventure features a queer-curious, precocious Los Angelina who grows so fed up with her wealthy Jewish parents that she decides to run away and become a […]

Gerry Yokota-Murakami

Gerry Yokota-Murakami, LA77, reached Osaka University’s mandatory retirement age and retired in March 2020 after 32 years at the university. He still teaches a course in international college at a private university.

Jordan Goldrich

Jordan Goldrich, SW77, GR77, wrote Workplace Warrior: People Skills for the No-Bullshit Executive (Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2019). In the book, Goldrich challenges readers to become better leaders by measuring themselves against the greatest warriors on the planet: the Navy SEALs and the Green Berets, who desire to succeed, are committed to taking charge and […]

Nancy (Lieberman) Abeles

Nancy (Lieberman) Abeles, FA77, propelled first by necessity and then fascination and activism, got involved in local and regional transportation planning and policy. She is currently chair of the committee for road and transit infrastructure projects necessitated by the consolidation of Walter Reed and the National Naval Medical Center. She is also the chair of […]