Pope’s resignation due to ill health unprecedented, but not cause for concern, says Catholic studies scholar

While it is not unprecedented for a pope to resign from his position, it is unprecedented for a pope to resign for health reasons — as Pope Benedict XVI plans to do at the end of the month — says a leading historian of religion at Washington University in St. Louis. Daniel M. Bornstein, PhD, the Stella Koetter Darrow Professor in Catholic Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, says that Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation stands out as different from previous ones, but not simply because of his medical reasons. “Previous resignations either resulted from or led to grave crises in leadership. I do not see either of those as a concern in this case,” Bornstein says.

Bornstein named Stella Koetter Darrow Professor in Catholic Studies

A leading historian of religion was installed as the first Stella Koetter Darrow Professor in Catholic Studies in Arts & Sciences March 18 in Holmes Lounge. Daniel M. Bornstein, Ph.D., joined Washington University last fall with a joint appointment in religious studies and history, both in Arts & Sciences. He is a scholar whose broad […]