Green Hall Adds to Innovative Engineering Education

Preston M. Green Hall, recently certified LEED Gold, is the third building in a new engineering complex. Nancy Green, wife of the late Preston M. Green, was among the dignitaries attending the Sept. 23, 2011, dedication ceremony for the new building. (Background: David Kilper; inset: Joe Angeles)

Preston M. Green Hall, recently certified LEED Gold, is the third building in a new engineering complex. Green Hall is home to the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering as well as the headquarters for the International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy & Sustainability (I-CARES). I-CARES coordinates university-wide collaborative activities in the areas of energy, environment and sustainability. Nancy Green, wife of the late Preston M. Green, attended a dedication ceremony for Green Hall Sept. 23, 2011. Events held in conjunction with the dedication included a symposium, “Challenges & Opportunities in Engineering Education & Research.”

Learn more about Preston M. Green Hall.

Learn more about the Sept. 23, 2011, dedication of Green Hall, or visit the university’s Newsroom.

Learn more about the symposium, “Challenges & Opportunities in Engineering Education & Research.”