Reunion at the Great Wall

College friends — from left, Fred Tsai, Michael Ch’ang and Mark Yen — visited the Great Wall of China wearing their Wash. U. gear last summer. Both Tsai and Yen had spent the summer in Beijing in 1998 at the university’s first independent summer program in China (a precursor to the current program with Fudan University).

Three Washington Univesity alumni — Fred Tsai, BSBA ’00; Michael Ch’ang, BSBA ’00; and Mark Yen, AB ’99 — visited the Great Wall of China last summer. It was the first time Tsai and Yen had been back together in China since 1998, when the two had spent the summer in Beijing at the university’s first independent summer program there. Also of note, the three sported their Wash. U. gear for the outing.

Today, Tsai lives in San Francisco where he is a senior director of strategy at After graduating from the university, he lived and worked in China for nearly a decade. During that time he lived in Xiamen, Beijing and Shanghai, while serving as an executive at Dell China during a time of dramatic change throughout the country and the IT industry.

Yen currently lives in Austin, Texas, and he works in corporate treasury for Dell. Immediately after graduating from Washington University, he served as a civilian at the U.S. Department of Defense and later at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, often working on Asia regional issues, including China.

Ch’ang lives in Washington, D.C., where he went to law school and where he now works for KPMG, consulting in credit risk policy and operational issues. Involved in the D.C. community, Ch’ang is the board treasurer for Community of Hope, winner of the 2012 Washington Post Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Management.

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