Jain presents at international conferences

Raj Jain photo

Raj Jain, the Barbara J. and Jerome R. Cox, Jr. Professor of Computer Science at the School of Engineering & Applied Science, is giving keynote addresses at four conferences in October and November.

They are:

  • The seventh annual IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)  Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Oct. 13-15. The topic is “Multi-Cloud Global Application Delivery for Internet of Things and Smart Cities.”
  • Midwest Drone Introduction in St. Louis, Oct 14-15. The topic is “Unmanned Systems: Networking Challenges and Issues.”
  • The second IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, Nov 1-3 in Pittsburgh. The topic is “Multi-Cloud Global Application Delivery for Internet of Things and Smart Cities.”
  • The 2016 International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov.18-20. The topic is “Five Trends Leading to Opportunities in Multi-Cloud Global Application Delivery.”