If Trump took responsibility for coronavirus missteps, it might actually help him

Andrew Reeves, associate professor of political science in Arts & Sciences


As the coronavirus pandemic worsens in the United States, governors and other observers have been criticizing the federal response — and President Trump has been deflecting blame. On March 13, after a reporter asked him if he would take responsibility for a lack of tests, he said, “I don’t take responsibility at all, because we were given a — a set of circumstances and … rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

A few days later, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) spoke to the state’s residents about complaints that his office had closed bars and restaurants for St. Patrick’s Day and beyond. Cuomo told his constituents, “The buck stops on my desk. Your local mayor did not close your restaurants, your bars, your gyms or your schools. I did. I did. I assume full responsibility.”

Which strategy is most effective — avoiding blame or taking responsibility?

Read the full piece in the Washington Post.