Resolving to go back to school? WUSTL dean offers tips for success

Taking classes with a friend can help adult students stay focused on their schoolwork.So it will soon be 2009 — the year you decided is the one to start or finish that degree you’ve always intended to earn. But if it’s been awhile since you’ve stepped foot inside a classroom — or at least one that wasn’t your kids’ — here are some suggestions to help you follow through on your New Year’s resolution.

Resolving to go back to school? WUSTL dean offers tips for success

Taking classes with a friend can help adult students stay focused on their schoolwork.So it’s 2008 — the year you decided is the one to start or finish that degree you’ve always intended to earn. But if it’s been awhile since you’ve stepped foot inside a classroom — or at least one that wasn’t your kids’ — here are some suggestions to help you follow through on your New Year’s resolution.