May 21, 2010, Commencement coverage

An index of news coverage related to Washington University's 149th Commencement

May 21, 2010

Scenes from a Commencement: Pomp and circumstance at Washington University’s 149th Commencement May 21, 2010.


May 21, 2010

In a stirring address to Class of 2010 at Washington University’s 149th Commencement ceremony, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu says a second industrial revolution is needed to provide for the world’s future energy needs and urges graduates to “do something that matters and help save the world.”


May 21, 2010

Read the full-text of U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu’s prepared speech at Washington University in St. Louis’ 149th Commencement May 21, 2010.


May 19, 2010

For students of the Class of 2010, one journey ends, and another begins. Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton will confer degrees at the 149th Commencement ceremony, which begins at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 21, in Brookings Quadrangle on the Danforth Campus.


May 19, 2010

Each year at Commencement, Washington University’s Record presents its annual Gallery of Outstanding Graduates. From among the more than 2,700 degree candidates, 12 are chosen who not only excel academically but also stand out because of exceptional ability, volunteer involvement on campus or in the community, unique career choice, family background or unusual hobby or outside interests.


Few student leaders at Washington University have done more to promote issues of diversity awareness on campus than Fernando Cutz, president of the senior class and this year’s student Commencement speaker.


May 19, 2010

Students kicked off Commencement Week May 17 with an evening of celebration in downtown St. Louis. More than 1,200 graduating seniors gathered for the Chancellor’s Dinner and Senior Gala.


May 14, 2010

Commencement week begins Monday, May 17, with a variety of celebrations and ceremonies designed to warmly send Washington University in St. Louis graduates out into the world.


May 6, 2010

Washington University in St. Louis will award five honorary degrees during the university’s 149th Commencement May 21. During the ceremony, which will begin at 8:30 a.m. in Brookings Quadrangle, WUSTL also will bestow more than 2,800 academic degrees on more than 2,700 students.


March 30, 2010

U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, PhD, has been selected to give the 2010 Commencement address at Washington University in St. Louis, according to Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton. The university’s 149th Commencement will begin at 8:30 a.m. May 21 in Brookings Quadrangle on the Danforth Campus.


Washington University’s 149th Commencement will be held at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 21, in Brookings Quadrangle. The university will award 2,809 degrees to 2,706 undergraduate, graduate and professional students. The university also will bestow honorary degrees on five individuals. Steven Chu, PhD., U.S. secretary of energy, will deliver the 2010 Commencement address. During the ceremony, Chu also will receive an honorary doctor of science degree. WUSTL’s four other honorary degree recipients are Brian J. Druker, MD, Joanne Knight, Richard A. Roloff and Strobe Talbott.