News highlights for August 10, 2010

CisionPoint news monitoring provides this small sampling of the university's daily news coverage. Click headline to read full text via Cision or link directly to the online article where available. For questions or comments about this service, or to add or delete a name from the mailing list, please contact Gerry Everding.
Best colleges preview: Top 25 national universities
To whet appetites for the 2011 Best Colleges rankings from U.S. News & World Report, the magazine is sharing a little information ahead of time. Washington University in St. Louis is among the top 25 highest-ranked schools in the 2011 rankings, according to a preview story posted this week. The actual ranking and score of these schools will be available August 17 on In the magazine’s 2010 rankings WUSTL tied for #12. Link to Article

KSPR Morning News
Researchers in eastern Missouri say bee venom can assist in treating cancer. The study is being conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis. Researchers say the venom has a toxic protein that can improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment drugs. They believe it may also work with drugs to treat other diseases. Link to Broadcast

FOX 2 News at 6PM
Washington University will pay $15,000 for hazardous waste at the Danforth and the School of Medicine campuses. As part of the settlement with EPA, Washington University will pay $45,000 to help clean high school of hazardous waste. EPA inspections in 2008 found several violations dealing mostly with labeling and storage of research chemicals. Link to Broadcast

SPIE Newsroom
On-chip single-nanoparticle detection and measurement

Portable optical devices capable of real-time, in situ sensing and characterization of individual nanoparticles and pathogens could offer unprecedented benefits in a range of applications, according to an article by researchers in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering Washington University in St. Louis. Link to Article

St. Louis Magazine
Tangling with the brain
Until last month, the only official way to diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease was by cutting into the brain after death, looking for telltale “tangles” and plaque. But last month, a national panel of experts announced new criteria to make the diagnosis–while people are still alive, and as long as 10 years before they even show symptoms. Dr. John Morris, who directs the Alzheimer’s Research Center at Washington University School of Medicine, offers reactions to the announcement. Link to Article
Study: Belly bulge can be deadly for older adults

One of the largest studies to examine the dangers of abdominal fat suggests men and women with the biggest waistlines have twice the risk of dying over a decade compared to those with the smallest tummies. Some scientists believe belly fat secretes proteins and hormones that contribute to inflammation, interfere with how the body processes insulin and raise cholesterol levels. Samuel Klein, an obesity expert at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is skeptical about that theory. Removing belly fat surgically doesn’t lead to health improvements. That may mean it’s simply a stand-in for some other culprit that is causing both belly fat and poor health. Klein wasn’t involved in the new research. Link to Article

News in higher education

Washington Post

Gay college presidents form group


Nine openly gay college presidents gathered in Chicago last weekend and resolved to form an organization to provide professional support to “out” presidents and faculty.

Politics meddles in Missouri higher education, and not to the benefit of students


Political interference has long bedeviled higher education in Missouri. Too many crucial decisions are made to score points with constituents, and not to make the state’s system of colleges and universities more efficient and better performing.

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT / The College Solution by Lynn O’Shaughnessy

Three negatives about how colleges are behaving


Having covered issues in the higher-ed world for a few years now, I too have become cynical about the way the higher-education world operates. I see a lot of wonderful things happening in higher ed, but I also am dismayed by the ugly side. Today I’m going to share three things that disturb me about how colleges and universities are behaving–mindless devotion to research, too busy to teach AND resistance to transparency.

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The Chronicle of Higher Education
Inside Higher Ed
University Business