News highlights for August 27, 2010

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Cavemen accused of wiping out cave bears

Giant cave bears thought to have once dined on each other might have been driven to extinction by the advance of humanity, scientists now suggest. Starting about 50,000 years ago, cave bears and other carnivores started receiving serious competition for these caves from cavemen. “As humans became more effective at using caves, the number of places where cave bears could hibernate, which was essential to reproduction and everything else they did, started to decrease,” ErikTrinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University in St. Louis, told LiveScience. Link to Article

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Finalists pitch Arch designs to experts: Scope of plans is described along with pragmatic concerns such as traffic, costs and time frame.

Five design teams competing for a chance to reshape the Arch grounds and riverfront spoke Thursday of visionary connections and then answered questions from the jury of experts. Jurors asked about everything from parking and traffic to how to get the work done by October 2015, the monument’s 50th anniversary. Juror Gerald Early, a professor at Washington University, asked whether a proposed gondola and music museum would “compete with the Arch” for attention. The five designs are coming to WUSTL for an exhibit in Givens Hall Sept. 11-14. Link to Article

Newschannel 5 at Five

Gorgeous weather today for hundreds of excited kids. It was move in day for freshman at Washington University. They arrived weighed down with boxes, microwaves, carpets, bikes and, of course, books.

Mmore than 1400 students moved in and, of course, the occaasional parent was there as well, waving at our cameras. I was one of those parents once, says news anchor Mike Bush. Link to Broadcast See also KPLR-TV (St. Louis MO) News 11 at Noon See also KTVI-TV (St. Louis MO) FOX 2 News at 5PM


Lively roundtable discussion by prominent St. Louis media personalities questions motives behind Washington University’s $5000 contribution to opponents of those who want to repeal the earnings tax in the city of St. Louis. One host suggests WUSTL is against the repeal because of concerns it would be asked to make payments to the city to replace lost earnings tax revenues.

Link to Broadcast

ALIVE Magazine
Interview: Jeigh Singleton

Jeigh Singleton, associate professor of fashion design at Washington University and a visionary for the role of design in St. Louis, shares his passion and insight on fashion and life in a Q&A with ALIVE magazine. Link to Article

Chicago Jewish News
It’s all relative: You say Einstein is ‘Jewish science,’ I say ‘liberal conspiracy’

The Nazis dismissed Einstein’s groundbreaking theories as “Jewish science.” Now, the legendary physicist is facing attacks from conservative bloggers, such as Andrew Schlafly, the 49-year-old lawyer son of Phyllis Schlafly. WUSTL physicist and Einstein scholar Clifford Will reacts in an email from Paris: “The Internet world is full of kooks and crackpots who put out all kinds of drivel. It is pointless to attempt to refute these people with evidence, because they don’t believe in evidence…People may not like relativity, but the experimental and observational evidence that supports it is so overwhelming that it is now a fact of the universe.” Link to Article
Advice to teens: Don’t over commit

Teens risk becoming overstressed and overextended as they struggle to add resume-building activities to their college applications. Julie M. Shimabukuro, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, offers insight: “Although activities are only one part of the application, it is important to learn about a particular student’s interests and how they may be involved in our community. We want students to tell us about activities that are meaningful to them. We value their commitment to these activities and encourage this over a sheer volume of activities.” Link to Article

WeCar arrives at MU

WeCar hit MU with two Toyota Priuses, a Ford Fiesta and a Ford Focus ready for rental on Aug. 18.The program lets MU students, faculty and staff rent cars on campus. The goal is to help reduce emissions and crowding caused by traffic, according to WeCar’s website.“WeCar’s pilot program was established at Washington University, right here in St. Louis,” said Lisa Martini, a representative from St. Louis-based Enterprise Holdings, the company behind the WeCar program. Link to Article

News in higher education

Washington Post

America’s worst colleges
August 27, 2010

The Washington Monthly, a tiny bastion of high-grade journalism in the nation’s capital, tries every year to kill the celebratory buzz greeting the latest “America’s Best Colleges” list from U.S. News & World Report. This time, the monthly has outdone itself with what might be called the anti-U.S. News list, 50 carefully ranked colleges that have to be worst nightmare of any student who aspires to deep learning and careful career preparation. Link to Article

Columbia Daily Tribune
Protection likely over, politician says


After being shielded from the budget knife for two years in a row, Missouri’s public universities and colleges likely will have a bull’s-eye on their collective back when lawmakers start drafting next fiscal year’s budget. Link to Article

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