Newslights for August 20, 2010

CisionPoint news monitoring provides this small sampling of the university's daily news coverage. Click headline to read full text via Cision or link directly to the online article where available. For questions or comments about this service, or to add or delete a name from the mailing list, please contact Gerry Everding.

Woods Hole to breed Xenopus research frogs
The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) today announced 
that it has received a 5-year, $3.4 million grant to establish a national resource for the aquatic frog known as Xenopus, a major model organism used in regenerative biology research. Kristen Kroll, associate professor of developmental biology at Washington University in St. Louis is one of five collaborators on the project. Link to Article

R&D Magazine

Brain network links cognition, motivation
Findings by Washington University in St. Louis researchers suggest that a specific brain area helps people use the prospect of success to better prepare their thoughts and actions, thus increasing odds that a reward will be won. Link to Article

Geologists revisit Earth’s Great Oxygenation Event

In the July issue of Nature Geoscience Washington University in St. Louis geochemist David Fike gives an unusually candid account of the difficulties his community faces in correctly interpreting redox proxies, issuing a call for denser sampling and more judicious reading of rock samples. Article also appeared in R&D Magazine, e!Science News, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, Scientific Computing and Link to Article

The Kansas City Star
Carnahan bucks party to support extension of Bush’s tax cuts

Democrat Senate hopeful Robin Carnahan shocked some by announcing that she was going against leaders of her own party by backing an indefinite extension of tax cuts made when George W. Bush was president. Washington University political scientist Steve Smith said Carnahan is “clearly competing for the middle of the policy spectrum” as polls continue to show her lagging behind Blunt. Link to Article

St. Louis Beacon

Energy and sustainability
Commentary by Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton adapted from a presentation earlier this summer to the Shanghai Forum on the challenges in providing abundant, affordable energy without adverse consequences on the environment. Link to Article

News in higher education

The Value of a Tattoo in Higher Education
Freakonomics columnist Steven D. Levitt questions the popularity of tattoos. Follow up post today suggests there may be a good reason for some people to get tattoos. David B. Wiseman, a psychologist, showed 128 undergraduate students photographs of tattooed and non-tattooed female models, described as “college instructors.” He found that college students prefer tattoos. Link to Article

Bloomberg BusinessWeek

More higher education cuts forecast for Missouri
Governor Jay Nixon challenged college presidents and chancellors Tuesday to do more with less, even as his budget director offered grim financial projections for public higher education next year. Link to Article

Chicago Tribune

Easing the drama of college send-off
Even the savvy parents who managed to get through the entire college admissions process intact have a difficult time on the day of departure. Emotions are raw for everyone, with parents lamenting that their baby is leaving the nest and freshmen traveling moment to moment between excitement and apprehension. Link to Article

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The Chronicle of Higher Education
Inside Higher Ed
University Business