A warm Woman’s Club welcome

Whitney Curtis

Risa Zwerling Wrighton (center) greets Elaine Greenbaum during the Woman’s Club of Washington University’s Fall Welcome Lunch at Harbison House Sept. 14. Wrighton hosted the luncheon to introduce women new to the university to the Woman’s Club. The club, which is celebrating its centennial in 2010, offers members opportunities to form friendships and grow intellectually through luncheons, lectures, tours and programs. The club also funds scholarships for deserving WUSTL students. The club is open to all. Members include women who are faculty or staff; spouses/partners or widows of faculty or staff; alumnae or spouses/partners of alumni; or friends of the university. For information about the club, visit the womansclub.wustl.edu or e-mail Membership Chair Pat Sarantites at sarantites@gmail.com.