Faculty grant and workshops to support community based teaching and learning

The Gephardt Institute for Public Service invites faculty to apply for grants to support their community-based teaching and learning (CBTL), also known as experiential education, engaged research and most commonly, service learning.

CBTL is a pedagogy that is used across the university. Distinguishing features include applied learning activities in service to an organization or community, faculty direction and oversight and applicable course content and assignments.

To support CBTL course development and implementation, the Gephardt Institute awards up to five faculty grants of $2,500 each.

Now in its fourth year, the annual grants program supports faculty innovation in CBTL. Faculty awardees also will join previous awardees from across the University to help promote their effective community engagement and teaching.

To learn more about the grants program and CBTL overall, faculty can attend the following informational sessions:

Thursday, Sept. 30, 3:30-5 p.m. Eads 217
CBTL 101: Informational Session about CBTL Pedagogy and Faculty Grants

Wednesday, Oct. 13, 3:30-5 p.m. Danforth University Center 236
Developing Learning Objectives and Assignments for CBTL Courses

Thursday, Oct. 28 3:30-5 p.m. Eads 217
Connecting to Community Partners

Wednesday, Feb. 9, 3:30-5 p.m. Eads 216
Managing and Evaluating CBTL Courses

For additional information about the grants program and to RSVP for the sessions, contact Jenni Harpring at 935-8182 or jharpring@wustl.edu.