News highlights for February 18, 2011

CisionPoint news monitoring provides this small sampling of the university's daily news coverage. Click headline to read full text via Cision or link directly to the online article where available. For questions or comments about this service, or to add or delete a name from the mailing list, please contact Gerry Everding.

Inside Higher Ed
Yanked from the margins

A new blue-ribbon commission has been assembled in a bid to put the humanities and social sciences on an equal footing on the public agenda with science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Gerald Early, professor of modern letters at Washington University in St. Louis, is among 41 cultural thought leaders invited to serve on the advisory group, which has been dubbed the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences. Link to Article

Scientific American
Mouse study reveals mechanism behind diabetes blood vessel damage

Vascular complications arising from diabetes are the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and cardiovascular problems. Now, a new study co-authored by Clay Semenkovich of Washington University School of Medicine, has identified key interactions among two enzymes that may help connect the dots between insulin control and the integrity of blood vessels. The findings, shown in mice, could provide targets for drugs that would be designed to prevent and offset vascular damage. Link to Article

Scientific American
Cancer- and diabetes-free population offers longevity clues

Despite the extreme rarity of Laron syndrome, findings from a new study have important implications for the general population,” says Luigi Fontana who studies nutrition and aging at Washington University School of Medicine. “Put together all the pieces of the puzzle and you see that yes, IGF1 is an important determinant of cancer.” According to Fontana, greater protein intake and higher IGF1 levels contribute to the increasing cancer incidence in recent generations; a similar trend is seen in immigrant populations that move from Eastern to Western diets. Link to Article

White House

President Obama announces more key administration posts


President Barack Obama has announced his intent to nominate Washington University graduate Thomas Countryman as the administration’s Assistant Secretary for International Security and Non-Proliferation, Department of State. Mr. Countryman holds a B.A. summa cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis. Link to Article

CBS MoneyWatch
63 colleges with the best financial aid

What schools provide the best financial aid for college? The most generous schools meet the full financial need of their students, but just a fraction of colleges can make that promise. Washington University in St. Louis is one of only 63 schools out of 1,700 colleges and universities that claim they meet their students’ full financial need, according to a survey by U.S. News and World Report. Link to Article

Adventures in Room 404

In “Room 404,“ a new podcast concept, a notable geek presents five bits of technology that used to be awesome, but which have since become lost to history and mostly forgotten. In this 30-minute podcast, former Washington University employee Chris Dunphy, now with Technomadia, pines for the glory days of Washington University’s In the early 90′s, Wuarchive was rumored to generate 10% of the traffic on the entire Internet. Launched in 1988, the service was retired in 2010. Link to Article

Halal Media
Washington U in St Louis bringing Halal to campus

The dining services at the Washington University in St Louis is now working with the university’s Muslim Students Association (MSA) to bring Halal meals on campus. “Discussions have been happening for the past five years,” said freshman Nabeel Moon, MSA’s treasurer. According to Nadeem Siddiqui, resident district manager for WUSTL’s Dining Services, the changes would not be expensive or demanding but several measures must be instituted in order to conform to the prescribed Halal standards. Link to Article

Broadway World (Chicago)

Photo Flash: The storytelling ability of a boy at the Phoenix Theatre


The Phoenix Theatre of Indianapolis announces the Midwest Premiere of The Storytelling Ability of a Boy, by Carter W. Lewis, opening March 3 in the Frank and Katrina Basile Theatre and playing through March 27. Carter W. Lewis is a free lance playwright, currently serving as Playwright-in-Residence at Washington University. He is the winner of

several national playwriting awards. Link to Article

Medscape Medical News

Cognitive status of MS patients may fluctuate with outdoor temperature


People with multiple sclerosis (MS) may find it harder to think clearly and remember things on warmer days of the year, according to a new study. But many questions remain. Anne Cross, MD, from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who was not involved in the study, pointed out that what’s not clear from the study is whether the outside temperature

related to the subjects’ core body temperatures. Link to Article

Parents often wait too long to treat children’s asthma


Parents of young children with asthma often recognize signs that their child is about to have an asthma attack but delay home treatment until the attack occurs, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis The study stems from comments received by two lay asthma coaches employed by Washington University School of Medicine. The coaches are trained to help educate families dealing with asthma by offering information and social support. They also have asthma themselves or a family member who has it. Link to Article
HOUSE CALL: Bruises can be painful, ugly, but easily treated

Over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help with pain control. Gentle massage of the area and application of a heating pad may help relieve some of the pain, but this should not be done for at least three days after the initial injury. Unexplained bruising, or bruising with very minimal trauma may be a sign of something more serious and should be evaluated by a physician, writes Washington University emergency physician Mark Levine. Link to Article

St. Louis American

NSBE kicks off national convention


Black engineers – thousands of them – are coming to St. Louis. The National Society of Black Engineers will host its 37th Annual Convention in St. Louis March 23-27 at the America’s Center. The annual convention attracts more than 8,000 black engineers and 250 corporate and government entities. James E. McLeod, a dean at Washington University, was among about 250 engineers, corporate leaders and educators who attended a recent convention kick-off event for the St. Louis community at Washington University. Link to Article

News in Higher Education

New York Times

THE CHOICE: ‘Some college needed to step up and say, enough’


Those wondering when a prominent college might take the bold step of actually cutting tuition would do well to cast a glance toward Tennessee, where Sewanee, a liberal arts institution, has announced it is doing just that. .Bucking a trend, Sewanee of Tennessee cuts tuition, saying it can’t afford not to. Link to Article

Washington Post

Cafeteria trays vanishing from colleges in effort to save food


As food service workers watched thousands of pounds of food go to waste, Virginia Tech University decided to make a move increasingly common at higher-education institutions nationwide: It got rid of cafeteria trays. The change was immediate. The plates were coming back basically cleaned. Link to Article

The Guardian (UK)

Allow extremist speech in universities, report advises


University vice-chancellors should reject demands to ban controversial speakers and “engage, not marginalise” extreme political views on campus, a report from a working group on academic freedom says. Universities need to ensure meetings of student societies are open to all, the report says, adding: “Unless views can be expressed they cannot also be challenged.” Link to Article

For additional higher education news (subscription may be required):
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Inside Higher Ed
University Business