Media Advisory: WUSTL students ‘knead’ to break world record April 24

Longest massage chain effort helps raise teen suicide awareness

WHO: The WUSTL football team is rallying fellow students to break the world record for longest massage chain. The group hopes to assemble 2,000 people in a continuous single-file line to give and receive massages.

WHAT: WUSTL is looking to reclaim its record. In May 2010, graduating seniors set the Guinness world record for longest massage chain with 710 participants. Later that year, a group in Thailand broke it with 1,223. Unlike the first effort in 2010 — a final, lighthearted accomplishment for the senior class — this event is a teen suicide awareness campaign. Participants are asked to donate $1 to the Jason Foundation. For a more detailed story, click here.

WHERE: Francis Field, Washington University’s Danforth Campus

WHEN: 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 24

HIGHLIGHTS: This event is an outgrowth of the football team’s work with the Jason Foundation. Members of the football team visit area high schools to address the sensitive issue of teen suicide and stress the importance of supporting each other.

ON-SITE CONTACT: Michael Weiss, a senior wide receiver majoring in marketing and English, (954) 253-1777