Student chapter collects ‘Locks of Love’ for children

The student-run local chapter of Locks of Love continued its tradition of encouraging WUSTL community members to participate in the campus-wide hair drive, held in Danforth University Center’s Fun Room. The student organizers partnered with the Paul Mitchell Beauty School of St. Louis, which provided
professional haircuts for $20 donations and free haircuts
for participants who donated 10 or more inches of hair. From 60 total hair cuts, the drive yielded $600 and 26 hair donations. All hair and money collected is being sent to the national non-profit Locks of Love organization, which aims to help restore self-esteem and confidence in children afflicted by disease-related, long-term hair loss. Above: Senior pre-medicine major Candace Ward gets her hair cut and styled by Paul Mitchell stylist Laura Cunningham.
(Credit: kevin lowder)