Our Washington campaign: Supporting today’s students

Some 6,100 faculty and staff have contributed $40.7 million


Jill Stratton, associate dean of undergraduate residential learning, can say with certainty her contribution to the Bob Carrico Scholarship Fund is making an impact. That’s because she knows the recipient — senior Jonathan Williford, residential adviser, Mellon Mays scholar, performer, poet, student leader and activist.

“When I found out that Jonathan had received this scholarship, it made the power of giving very real to me,” Stratton said. “Jonathan is someone who embodies community and builds it through his scholarship and research — and his leadership on campus. I feel a sense of pride that I helped, even in a small way, to support him.”

Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton encourages others to support students through Our Washington, the faculty and staff component of Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University. The campaign will raise a minimum of $400 million in new scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as strengthen academic and scientific initiatives, advance learning and enhance facilities.

“We are committed to making a Washington University education more accessible to talented students, no matter their background,” Wrighton said. “Our success as a university — indeed our success as a nation — depends on our ability to educate bright young students to address the world’s greatest challenges.”

Since the quiet phase of the campaign began in 2009, more than 6,100 of Washington University’s faculty and staff have contributed $40.7 million to the campaign.

Employees are asked to give at a level that feels comfortable to them. Wrighton said every gift, big or small, makes an impact.

Employees may donate to the school, scholarship, program or fund of their choice through a monthly payroll deduction, online or by mail. Bequests and planned gifts also count toward Our Washington. Donors at any level who make a gift by June 30 will receive a Washington University keychain.

To learn more, visit the Our Washington website.