Sharing concern in the wake of Hurricane Harvey

To the Washington University community:

Hurricane Harvey continues to deal a devastating blow to eastern Texas and, now, is threatening a broader region. Many of our current students and alumni come from the affected areas; others of us know people who have been impacted or are at risk. They, their families, friends and loved ones are going through a horribly difficult ordeal. Our thoughts remain with them.

The images stemming from this historic natural disaster are heartbreaking. At the same time, the stories of herculean rescue efforts and people coming together to help one another are heartwarming. Here at Washington University, our community is built on the foundation of care and support we extend to each other and to others, particularly in times of crisis. This is one of those times, and I know many of you are looking for ways to lend a helping hand. If you would like to donate to response and recovery efforts, following are two of the many organizations requiring resources. Every contribution — no matter the size — can make a difference.

American Red Cross
Greater Houston Community Foundation Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

If you or someone you know is experiencing personal difficulties in dealing with the aftermath of this tragedy, I hope you will take advantage of the counseling resources available for students through Student Health Services on the Danforth Campus and Student & Occupational Health Services on the Medical Campus, and for our faculty and staff through our Employee Assistance Program.

Many are predicting that Hurricane Harvey could become the worst flooding disaster in U.S. history. People are hurting, and the recovery will take a long time. Please remain vigilant for the long haul and do what you can to help.

Sincerely yours,

Mark S. Wrighton