Chancellor Wrighton to co-chair United Way campaign

University, United Way missions align through focuses on learning, health and strengthening communities

Chancellor Mark Wrighton visits the Kreative Kids Learning Center as part of a tour of agencies supported by United Way. (Photo: United Way of Greater St. Louis)

Chancellor Mark Wrighton’s tenure may be in its final year, but his commitment to the St. Louis region shows no sign of slowing down.

Washington University employees who wish to pledge and engage the community via United Way of Greater St. Louis can learn more at

United Way of Greater St. Louis has named Wrighton as co-chair of its 2018 community campaign, strengthening the university’s visibility and impact in the greater St. Louis region.  Wrighton will serve alongside co-chair Jeff Fox, chairman and CEO of Harbour Group, for the annual fundraiser.

“The United Way is one of the St. Louis region’s greatest resources because it enables so many people to live, work and realize their full potential,” Wrighton said. “Washington University has a long tradition of generous support for the United Way through our employee campaign, and I am proud to represent our university in the community by serving as campaign co-chair this year. I have every confidence that we will meet and exceed our goal and continue that tradition with our campaign this fall.”

Chancellor Mark Wrighton sits in on calls at a United Way 2-1-1 call center (Photo: United Way of Greater St. Louis)

Each year, the university supports the United Way through its employee campaign; this year, it will begin Aug. 29. Wrighton will announce the university’s goal and invite employees to pledge via HRMS in coming weeks.

“We are grateful to have Chancellor Wrighton and Jeff Fox on board as this year’s leaders and for their commitment to serving our region and helping people through United Way,” said Orvin Kimbrough, president and CEO of United Way of Greater St. Louis. “Both bring exemplary leadership and knowledge, as well as passion for the St. Louis region. Their efforts will be instrumental in engaging our corporate and individual donors and increasing United Way’s impact in the community.”

United Way of Greater St. Louis partners with more than 160 nonprofit agencies in 16 Missouri and Illinois counties to provide services and programs supporting education, health, financial stability, food and shelter.

As part of his role as co-chair, Wrighton visited more than a dozen United Way agencies, meeting the executive directors and employees as well as patrons of the agencies supported by the organization. He heard, firsthand, the breadth of needs filled by United Way partner agencies when he sat in on calls to the 2-1-1 hotline, used daily by thousands of community members seeking assistance.

Wrighton is a member of the United Way’s board of directors and often has emphasized the importance of its work and of the university’s role as a partner.

Fourteen years ago, as the 2004 campaign was kicking off, he said: “As one of the leading employers in the region, we have a responsibility to carry our share of the support for the United Way.”