Everyday MySci helps nurture a child’s natural curiosity


From the playground to the pool to the ballpark, science is all around us. Through Everyday MySci activities, the Institute for School Partnership at Washington University in St. Louis helps parents nurture their child’s natural sense of curiosity, wonder and discovery.

The debut 30-second video, Everyday MySci: Introducing Plant Life, shows parents how a walk through the park can be a fun exploration of leaves.

Other activities explore how milk is different from water, how fold mountains are formed and how waves are formed.

The Pipeline

MySci is one way Washington University faculty, students and staff are working to improve K-12 education in St. Louis. To learn more, visit The Pipeline.

Everyday MySci is modeled after MySci, the engaging and effective science curriculum that teaches young children core scientific concepts through experiments and exploration, not lectures and books. MySci will reach 60,000 elementary and middle-school students in 2,000 classrooms this year. The vast majority of the region’s public and charter schools in the St. Louis region use MySci in at least one classroom.

The results are impressive: A longitudinal study of Pattonville School District elementary students shows that students at every grade level and of every ability made statistically significant gains in science after completing the MySci curriculum.

MySci educators receive extensive training and become experts in their subjects.

Still, Victoria May, ISP executive director, believes all of us can use the world around us to inspire a child’s curiosity.

“It’s never too early to instill a love of science,” May said. “Everyday MySci helps parents introduce scientific concepts in a way that’s fun and easy.”