Student Life’s Grace Bruton shares favorite sports photos

Bruton's staff will shoot McWilliams Classic on Friday at the Field House

The Washington University in St. Louis women’s basketball team hosts the 19th annual McWilliams Classic on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7, at the Field House. In this photo, Bruton captured last year’s victory over George Fox University in the NCAA Division III women’s basketball tournament.

Washington University in St. Louis senior Grace Bruton will work her final games as photo editor of Student Life this weekend at the 19th annual McWilliams Classic. During her seven semesters here, she has shot more than 90 games, meets and matches, four NCAA championship teams, the retirement of beloved football coach Larry Kindbom and the arrival of powerhouse Anthony J. Azama, the John M. Schael Director of Athletics. She also has edited and coached staff photographers and reporters, teaching them how to snap a crisp image of a sprinting runner and where to stand on the sidelines. 

And yet, Bruton is not a huge fan of sports. 

“I love taking sports photographs, not necessarily sports,” Bruton said. “But I do get swept up in the moment — and there have been a lot of great moments in my time here.” 

Bruton graduates Dec. 14 with degrees in economics and in environmental policy in Arts & Sciences and plans to pursue a career in environmental policy analysis and advocacy. Here, Bruton shares some of her favorite photos and reflects on her work as a student journalist.

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