Plan to take part in 2023 Day of Dialogue and Action

Adrienne Davis, the William M. Van Cleve Professor of Law, addresses a full house in Hillman Hall to kick off the second day of programming at Day of Dialogue & Action in 2020. (Photo: James Byard/Washington University)

For the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Washington University in St. Louis community will come together in person to engage in conversations about equity, diversity and inclusion. The 2023 Day of Dialogue and Action event takes place April 27 at Emerson Auditorium in Knight Hall on the Danforth Campus; overflow seating will be available in Frick Forum.

All WashU faculty, staff and students are invited to attend, and may register online. This year, the Day of Dialogue and Action is presented by the Office of the Provost as part of the “Here and Next” strategic plan. The event also will be livestreamed.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

There’s a new online home highlighting WashU’s vision, progress, research and resources pertaining to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Visit to learn more about our community’s commitment to EDI, meet leaders in the space, and access events and activities.

“We are very pleased to present the 2023 Day of Dialogue and Action, in partnership with the Office for Institutional Equity,” said Mary McKay, vice provost for interdisciplinary initiatives. “This important convening of our community, gathering to discuss and work through issues of equity, diversity and inclusion, is a prime example of the strategic plan’s guiding principles in action. We look forward to learning from, and with, each other.”

The Day of Dialogue and Action first took place in 2015 and represents a dedicated time for engagement for everyone at WashU. This year, campus leaders, faculty, staff and students will present various sessions, including one focused on how “Here and Next” will put the guiding principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion into operational and institutional practice. Dedicated and active facilitated dialogue time is also built into the day to promote empathy, understanding and strengthening of relationships among participants.

“We encourage our entire campus community to participate in the Day of Dialogue and Action, attending in person, if possible,” said Shantay D. Bolton, executive vice chancellor and chief administrative officer. “As we all work in our own ways to ensure WashU is a safe and welcoming place for everyone to learn, work and thrive, events like the Day of Dialogue and Action allow us to refocus and recommit to that shared effort, together.”

Attendees are asked to submit questions for the presenters when they register; those pre-submitted questions will help shape each panel discussion. For those unable to attend, the Day of Dialogue and Action will be recorded and available to watch at a later date.