2024-25 tuition, room, meal plans, fees announced

Brookings Hall at sunset
(Photo: Curran Neenan/Washington University)

Undergraduate tuition for the 2024-25 academic year at Washington University in St. Louis will be $64,500, an increase of $2,750 (4.5%) over the current charge of $61,750, announced Amy B. Kweskin, executive vice chancellor for finance and chief financial officer.

Charges for a double room will range between $13,242–$13,808, and meal plans will range from $5,320–$8,046. The student activity fee will be $644. The health and wellness fee will be $646.

In a letter to parents and students, Beverly Wendland, provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, thanked families for their continued support.

“We are grateful for your investment in Washington University and stand committed to providing your student a world-class education that is both exceptional and accessible,” Wendland wrote. “In addition to funding best-in-class instruction and student services, your tuition dollars fund vital resources such as the new Center for Career Engagement, infrastructure that supports student research and programs that prepare our graduates to meet the challenges of the workplace and society.”

Wendland wrote that the university continues to make great strides in its efforts to be more accessible for all students. WashU has adopted a “no-loan” financial aid policy for all undergraduates effective fall 2024. That means all federal loans will now be replaced with grants and scholarships, ensuring that all admitted students can obtain a world-class WashU education without going into debt. The new no-loan policy follows two other major financial aid initiatives — the shift to need-blind admissions and the WashU Pledge, which provides a free undergraduate education to students in Missouri and southern Illinois with annual family incomes of $75,000 or less. 

Students who qualify for need-based financial assistance will receive consideration for the cost increases, along with consideration of changes in their families’ financial circumstances. 

FAQ about tuition and the university’s financial resources was enclosed with the letter.

Graduate, professional, continuing education programs, fees

Below are the 2024-25 full-time tuition and fee schedules for the university’s graduate and professional programs as well as tuition for students enrolled in the School of Continuing & Professional Studies.

Graduate/professional programs in Arts & Sciences and the McKelvey School of Engineering: The 2024-25 tuition charge for graduate students in these programs will be $64,500, an increase of $2,750 (4.5%).

Sam Fox Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design: The 2024-25 tuition charge for the Master of Architecture program will remain $59,026.  

Sam Fox Graduate School of Art: The 2024-25 tuition charge for Master of Fine Arts programs will remain $49,060. 

Brown School: The 2024-25 tuition charge for first-year students in the Master of Social Work program will be $48,010, an increase of $1,170 (2.5%), and the Master of Public Health program tuition will be $42,640, an increase of $1,040 (2.5%).

Olin Business School graduate program: The 2024-25 tuition for the Master of Business Administration program will be $68,200, an increase of $2,000 (3.0%), and the Executive MBA program will be $146,300, an increase of $2,150 (1.5%).

School of Law: The 2024-25 tuition for the JD, JSD, LLM and MLS programs will be $70,008, an increase of $3,000 (4.5%).

School of Medicine: The 2024-25 tuition for first-year students in the School of Medicine will remain $67,295, an amount that will remain fixed for their four years of medical school. The tuition for the second-, third- and fourth-year classes was fixed for four years upon their entry to medical school and their 2024-25 annual tuition will continue at $67,295, $65,976 and $65,001, respectively. The student fee will remain $1,500. The health fee will be $4,180, an increase of $1,431 (52%). 

School of Continuing & Professional Studies: The 2024-25, tuition will be $399 to $995 per unit hour, a slight increase over the current charge of $381 to $995 per credit hour.