Honoring international heritage

In a new tradition to honor the diverse international heritage of Washington University’s graduating students, 66 flags representing their home countries were hung this week on January, Ridgley and Duncker halls in preparation for Washington University’s 150th Commencement Ceremony in Brookings Quadrangle this Friday. Hanging the flags of (from left) Indonesia, Iran, Israel and Italy are Larry D. Turnbough (above left) and Tony Knickmeyer, mechanics in WUSTL Maintenance Operations. Below, Randy Frantz, also a WUSTL mechanic, hands Turnbough the flag of Kyrgyzstan to hang on Ridgley Hall. Frantz is preparing to deploy to Kyrgyzstan with the 126th Civil Engineering Squadron of the Illinois Air National Guard. Frantz, a master sergeant, also served a tour in Iraq in 2008.