Vetta Sanders Thompson

Professor, Brown School

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Thompson is a leading researcher in the areas of racial identity, psychosocial implications of race and ethnicity in health communications, access to health services, and determinants of health and mental health disparities. She has built a unique record of research that combines a sophisticated social science understanding of racial identity, rigorous measurement, and community-based participatory research.


Examining the 21st-century city

The 21st century is bringing challenges to urban areas like never before, as if A Tale of Two Cities is being played out over and over again, in your neighborhood and in cities all over the world. The problems are both local and global, and so are the solutions. It’s this context that has led three Washington University in St. Louis faculty to compile an impressive array of international scholarship in a two-volume book titled Urban Ills: Twenty-first-Century Complexities of Urban Living in Global Contexts.