Symposium to spotlight women in medicine and science

Some of the School of Medicine’s most accomplished female faculty and a nationally known women’s cancer crusader will speak at the 4th annual Spotlight on Women in Medicine and Science (SWIMS) symposium Sept. 22.

The symposium will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Schwarz Auditorium in the Maternity Building on the School of Medicine campus.

Speakers will highlight their work in diverse fields as well as share some of the unique challenges they have faced in their careers in academic medicine.

Speaking at the symposium will be Carolyn D. Runowicz, MD, professor of obstetrics & gynecology, Northeast Utilities Chair in Experimental Oncology and director of the Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Connecticut Health Center; Jennifer S. Lawton, MD, associate professor of surgery; Terrie E. Inder, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics, of neurology and of radiology; Sheila A. Stewart, PhD, assistant professor of cell biology and physiology and of medicine; and Dayna S. Early, MD, professor of medicine.

Registration, which includes lunch, is required at under News & Events.