Quoted: Faculty experts

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Teenage drinking
If or how much a person drinks in his/her teens is a strong predictor of alcohol use and problem drinking later in adulthood.”  
— Rick Grucza, associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry, to Reuters

“All of these
viruses are spread by insects, and all of these viruses are currently spreading in the Americas.”
— Jonathan Miner, MD, assistant professor in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, to CNN about viruses that cause Zika-like birth defects

“Overwhelmingly, the visibility of gay or queer ­athletes comes from largely white American athletes and white ­European athletes. The pressure that already exists for black women and black men, Latino women and Latino men … is ­almost 
a double pressure.”
— Jeffrey McCune, associate professor of women, gender and sexuality studies and African and African-American studies, to the AP about challenges of gay Olympians

Health care
“For women with breast cancer, employment could play a significant role in post-diagnostic health.
Health benefits associated with employment include an increased sense of purpose, higher self-esteem and a stronger sense of social support from others.”
— Christine Ekenga, assistant professor of public health, to Health Day on her study showing that black women with public or no health care are more likely to leave the workforce after a breast-cancer diagnosis

We are all being given a lesson in why governments adopt and enforce anti-nepotism standards.
— Kathleen Clark, professor of law, to The Hill, on President Donald Trump’s family members working in the White House