2022 Day of Dialogue and Action features WashU leaders, sessions

A timeline detailing the history of segregation at the School of Medicine prompted many discussions at the 2020 Day of Dialogue & Action at the Eric P. Newman Education Center. (Photo: Matt Miller/School of Medicine)

Each spring semester since 2015, the Washington University in St. Louis community sets aside time to convene, reflect on and build upon our collective commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. The Day of Dialogue and Action is designed to spark conversation and promote coordinated action to advance equity and inclusion.

The 2022 event promises to do just that, with programming produced by faculty, staff and students focused on three anchoring questions: How did we get here? What does it mean to be here? Where do we go from here?

“The Day of Dialogue and Action has become an annual opportunity for staff, students and faculty to share the deep and ongoing work they are undertaking to address issues of inclusion and equity at the university, in St. Louis and in the world at large,” said Nicole Hudson, assistant vice chancellor of the Academy for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the department charged with supporting the committee that plans and executes the event. “It is a great opportunity for our university community to reflect on how core the consideration of inclusion and equity is to our tripartite mission, and just how many of our colleagues and students are problem solving and moving toward actionable change on a daily basis.”

Day of Dialogue and Action events take place March 29 and 30 and will be held virtually. Scheduled sessions geared toward both the Medical and Danforth campuses will delve into public safety; hiring practices; navigating difficult conversations; supporting a diverse supply chain; the social justice experiences of WashU students; and the impact of flexible work policies during the pandemic.

All members of the WashU community are welcome and encouraged to attend. Visit the WashU Voices page to register and get more information on sessions. Because some engagements will have limited attendance, early registration is encouraged.