Big Idea winners announced 

Big Idea winners announced 

The winners of the Big Ideas Competition, which supports novel projects in informatics and health-care delivery, have been announced. The competition is jointly sponsored by the Institute for Informatics, Data Science and Biostatistics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the BJC Healthcare Innovation Lab.  
Register for summer wellness challenge

Register for summer wellness challenge

The Office of Human Resources at Washington University in St. Louis is offering Go Gold!, a four-week challenge inspired by the 2024 Olympics to improve physical and mental well-being habits, beginning July 29. Registration is now open.
Vanyo awarded protein research training

Vanyo awarded protein research training

Vincent Vanyo, a PhD student in plant and microbial biosciences in the Roy and Diana Vagelos Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences at WashU, was selected to attend the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)’s 2024 summer training on fungal protein research.
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