Commencement 2015: Who’s who behind the podium

Events, speakers announced for Commencement week

More than a dozen distinguished individuals will speak at Commencement-related events this week for Washington University in St. Louis graduates and their friends and families.

The university’s 154th Commencement ceremony begins at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 15, in Brookings Quadrangle, where about 2,800 members of the Class of 2015 will receive their degrees.

Ken Burns, an award-winning filmmaker who has directed and produced some of the most acclaimed historical documentaries ever made, will deliver the Commencement address.

Other speakers and events during the week are:

Wednesday, May 13

Sai Iyer, PhD, adjunct instructor of physics in Arts & Sciences, for the University College Recognition Ceremony, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, in Emerson Auditorium in Knight Hall. The student speaker is Kelly Mehl, a master’s candidate in international affairs in University College.

Thursday, May 14

Jennifer R. Smith, PhD, dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, for the College of Arts & Sciences Recognition Ceremony, at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, May 14, in Brookings Quadrangle. The student speaker is John R. Schmidt, a bachelor’s candidate in English literature and a second major in psychology, both in Arts & Sciences.

Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton and Ralph S. Quatrano, PhD, dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science and the Spencer T. Olin Professor, for the School of Engineering & Applied Science Undergraduate Recognition Ceremony, at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May 14, in the Athletics Complex Field House. The student speaker is Grace Kuo, a bachelor’s candidate in electrical engineering with minors in physics and art.

Larry J. Shapiro, MD, executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine; Victoria J. Fraser, MD, the Adolphus Busch Professor and head of the Department of Medicine; and Adetunji T. Toriola, MD, PhD, assistant professor of surgery in the Division of Public Health Sciences, for the Programs in Clinical Investigation, Population Health Sciences and Applied Health Behavior Research Joint Recognition Ceremony, at 4 p.m. Thursday, May 14, in the King Center, Bernard Becker Medical Library.

Sandra M. Moore, president of Urban Strategies, for the Brown School Recognition Ceremony, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 14, in the Athletics Complex Field House.

Student speakers for the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts’ College of Art/Graduate School of Art, at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 14, in Graham Chapel, are Addoley Dzegede, a master of fine arts degree candidate, and Brandon Pogrob, a bachelor of fine arts candidate in communication design.

Friday, May 15

Kate Dundes Shattan, a principal with Gustavson/Dundes, for the Sam
Fox School of Design & Visual Arts’ College of
Architecture/Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design Diploma
, immediately following the main Commencement ceremony, in the Brookings Drive Mall. The faculty speaker is Catalina Freixas, assistant professor of architecture. The graduate student speaker is Megan Berry (BA ’77), a master’s candidate both in architecture and in business administration; the undergraduate student speaker is Stephen Veres, a bachelor’s candidate in architecture.

John Dains (BSBA ’68), chief executive officer emeritus of Helm Financial Corp., for Olin Business School’s Undergraduate Diploma Ceremony, at 11:30 a.m. Friday, May 15, in the Athletics Complex Field House.

Mary-Dell Chilton, PhD, distinguished science fellow at Syngenta Biotechnology Inc., for the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Hooding and Recognition Ceremony, at noon Friday, May 15, in the E. Desmond Lee Concert Hall, 560 Music Center, 560 Trinity Ave. in University City.

Richard A. Chole, MD, PhD, the Lindburg Professor and head of the Department of Otolaryngology, for the Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences Recognition Ceremony, at 1 p.m. Friday, May 15, in Connor Auditorium, Farrell Learning and Teaching Center.

Nico Dosenbach, MD, PhD, instructor in neurology at the School of Medicine, for the Program in Occupational Therapy Diploma Ceremony, at 1 p.m. Friday, May 15, in Graham Chapel. The faculty speaker is Kathy Kniepmann, OTD, assistant professor of occupational therapy and of neurology. Student speakers are Meagan Kreps Nichols, candidate for a master’s in occupational therapy, and Laura McCarty, candidate for a doctorate in occupational therapy.

Nancy Staudt, JD, dean and the Howard & Caroline Cayne Professor of Law, for the School of Law Recognition Ceremony, at 1:15 p.m. Friday, May 15, in Brookings Quadrangle. The student speakers are juris doctorate candidate Isaac William Amon and doctor of science of law candidate Silvan Del Valle Bustos.

Ralph S. Quatrano, PhD, dean of the School of Engineering & Applied Science and the Spencer T. Olin Professor, for the School of Engineering & Applied Science Graduate Recognition Ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Friday, May 15, in Edison Theatre.

Mark Reinking, PhD, chair of the
Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training and program
director of the Program in Physical Therapy at Saint Louis University,
for the Program in Physical Therapy Diploma Distribution, at 2 p.m. Friday, May 15, in the Khorassan Ballroom, The Chase Park Plaza, 212 N. Kingshighway. The faculty speaker is Beth Crowner, DPT, associate professor of physical therapy and of neurology and division director of clinical practice in physical therapy. The student speaker is Emily Dana Besancenez, a candidate for a doctorate in physical therapy.

Kathleen M. Mazzarella, chairman, president and chief executive officer at Graybar, for Olin Business School’s Graduate Diploma Ceremony, at 3 p.m. Friday, May 15, in the Athletics Complex Field House.

C. Garrison Fathman (MD ’69), professor of medicine
and director of the Center for Clinical Immunology at Stanford
University School of Medicine, for the School of Medicine,
at 3 p.m. Friday, May 15, in the Ferrara Theater of America’s Center,
701 Convention Plaza. The student speaker is Class President Gregory Charles Ebersole, a candidate for a doctor of medicine.

For an updated and complete list of Commencement activities, visit