Women faculty give awards to graduate students

women faculty awards event
Erika Rodriguez (right), a PhD candidate in Arts & Sciences, speaks during an Association of Women Faculty reception honoring her and other awardees. (Photo: Whitney Curtis/Washington University)

The Association of Women Faculty at Washington University in St. Louis bestowed awards on several women graduate students for their academic achievements as well as their efforts to improve opportunities for women, both on campus and more broadly.

The awardees are:

  • Charlotte Guertler, who is pursuing a PhD in mechanical engineering and materials science in the School of Engineering & Applied Science and serves in a leadership role with Sling Health;
  • Shalinee Kavadiya, who is pursuing a PhD in energy, environmental and chemical engineering in the School of Engineering & Applied Science and has encouraged girls in her hometown in India to pursue college degrees;
  • Hallie Nolan, who is pursuing master’s degrees of architecture and of urban design in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts and is president of the Graduate Architecture Council;
  • Erika Rodriguez, who is pursuing a PhD in comparative literature in Arts & Sciences and has worked to establish a women and gender minority graduate student group;
  • Kate Schmidt, who is studying philosophy in Arts & Sciences and has been involved with the “Women in Philosophy” workshops; and
  • Michelle Torres, who is pursuing a PhD in political science in Arts & Sciences and plans a career focused on political methods, an area traditionally dominated by white men.

The group held a reception to honor the students May 1 in Umrath Hall Lounge.