NSF funding to support new ‘Quantum Leap’ effort

dilution refrigeration device
The new dilution refrigerator laboratory, a central component of the Center for Quantum Sensors, will help researchers search for new fundamental physics by constructing precision detectors. Some of its collaborators are (from left) Jim Buckley, Patrick Harrington, Henric Krawczynski and Erik Henriksen. (Photo: Sean Garcia)

The Center for Quantum Sensors was awarded a Quantum Leap Challenge Institute (QLCI) conceptualization grant from the National Science Foundation. QLCIs are large-scale, interdisciplinary research projects that aim to advance applications of quantum information science.

“Our conceptualization grant aims to focus the community’s conversation around quantum sensing to try to identify the most compelling questions and the most compelling ideas for addressing those questions,” said Kater Murch, associate professor of physics in Arts & Sciences, who led the proposal. “Our goal is to identify challenges where we can make a transformative advance in the next five years.”

The conceptualization grant will help the researchers develop the Center for Quantum Sensors into a fully fledged QLCI, validate the center’s work on quantum sensors as one of the most compelling areas of quantum research, and give the center a voice in shaping national collaborations around quantum sensing. The new funding will support planning and team-building activities over the coming year, in preparation for the next stage of NSF funding and development.

Learn more about the center on the Arts & Sciences website.