Joint report on gun violence makes impact at U.N. Human Rights Council

The U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. (Photo courtesy of U.N.)

joint report on gun violence by Washington University in St. Louis’ Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute and the Institute for Public Health has been widely cited in a summary report released recently by the United Nations.

Research from the Harris Institute’s Gun Violence and Human Rights Initiative suggests that Americans’ human rights are violated daily by the government’s failure to adopt reasonable gun control measures.

On March 27, the U.N. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released its Summary of Stakeholders’ Submissions on the United States of America. Nearly 140 reports on human rights issues in the United States were submitted by nongovernmental organizations, individuals, international organizations and academic institutes.

The joint report from Washington University was one of only 11 submissions cited in the summary in relation to issues of gun violence. Another one of the 11 was a joint submission co-authored by Leila Sadat, the James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law and director of the Harris Institute; and Madaline George, fellow at the Harris Institute; among others.

Read more on the Harris Institute blog.