Ramani’s lab awarded $2 million to develop battery for long-duration energy storage

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) has awarded the lab of Vijay Ramani, the Roma B. & Raymond H. Wittcoff Distinguished University Professor at the McKelvey School of Engineering, $2 million to further develop and de-risk its electrode-decoupled redox flow battery technology, and to position the team for scale-up and deployment after the course of the project.

Ramani’s lab pioneered this battery concept to be used for long-duration, grid-scale energy storage. The researchers developed membrane technologies and novel patent-pending flow battery chemistries that promise to significantly reduce the levelized cost of grid scale (think gigawatt-hours of energy stored) energy storage.

This is the second such award for Ramani’s lab; the first was awarded in 2016.