Physicists awarded DOE supercomputing time for ‘high-impact’ projects

Four physicists from Washington University in St. Louis were allocated supercomputer access to complete high-impact computational science projects in 2023 through the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. The DOE Office of Science awarded time to a total of 56 projects nationwide. These awards, which will pursue transformational advances in science and engineering, account for 60% of the available time on the leadership-class supercomputers at DOE’s Argonne and Oak Ridge national laboratories.

The Washington University people and projects include:

  • Saori Pastore, an associate professor and associate chair of the Department of Physics, and Maria Piarulli, an assistant professor of physics, both in Arts & Sciences, co-investigators of a project titled “Ab-initio Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions,” led by Gaute Hagen at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
  • Alex Chen, a research assistant professor of physics, and Yajie Yuan, an assistant professor of physics, both in Arts & Sciences, for a project led by Chen titled “First-Principles Modeling of the Multi-wavelength Emission from Pulsars.”

Read more about the INCITE program from the DOE.