Faculty recognized by psychological association

Denise Head (left), Lori Markson and Calvin Lai all have been recognized by the Association for Psychological Science. (Photo: Washington University)

Denise Head and Lori Markson, both professors of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, have been named fellows of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). Additionally, Calvin Lai, an associate professor of psychological and brain sciences, has received the 2023 Association for Psychological Science Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions.

The APS selects individuals to become fellows in recognition of their long-term, outstanding contribution to research, teaching, service or application of psychology. Head’s research focuses on the effects of aging on cognition and brain structure. Markson’s research focuses on the relationship between cognitive development and social structures in children. See the complete list of newly named fellows on the Association for Psychological Science website.

The Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions commemorates significant research contributions in psychological science for individuals who are early in their careers. Lai’s research focuses on implicit biases and subtle discrimination, how these behaviors shift and change, the effects of subtle discrimination on society, and interventions to reduce discriminatory behavior. Read more about Lai’s achievement on the APS website. Spence Award recipients will be honored at the APS annual convention in May in Washington.