Undergraduate Antony wins neuroscience award

Irene Antony, a neuroscience major in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, won the Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience.

Irene Antony

Antony was selected for the award from a common pool of undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who demonstrate scientific merit and excellence in research. She and other recipients participated in the Neuroscience 2021 conference.

“I’m interested in autism and helping patients who have neurodevelopmental disorders,” said Anthony, who is interested in becoming a physician-scientist. “When I think about how deeply I’ve been able to delve into the research side of things, specifically in the genetics that underlie autism, as well as on the clinical side, where I shadow physicians at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic, I am very grateful for my experiences at WashU.”

Read more from Anthony in this Q&A on the Department of Biology website.