Naming Review Board appointed

Washington University in St. Louis has developed a framework to examine issues of naming or renaming of buildings and other spaces, professorships and scholarships to ensure such recognition aligns with the university’s values. The Board of Trustees approved the framework and process Dec. 1. 

Members of the university community can submit a request for a named feature to be reviewed by the newly established Naming Review Board. Possible outcomes may include adding historical context to displays up to renaming something.

Peter J. Kastor, the Samuel K. Eddy Professor of history and associate vice dean of research in Arts & Sciences, will serve as the inaugural chair of the new board. He was also a member of the committee that recommended the framework and process to university leaders.

“Peter is uniquely suited for this role,” Chancellor Andrew D. Martin said. “Much of his scholarship has been devoted to recovering the history of St. Louis and our nation and exploring the difficult and challenging facets of our past. I am grateful for his service.”

Members of the university community can learn more about the framework and how to submit a request for the board to review a named campus feature on the Commemoration and Remembrance website. The board will begin receiving and reviewing reports next month and make recommendations to Martin and the Board of Trustees.

The university also seeks two at-large members to join the Naming Review Board for a two-year term. Visit the commemoration website to apply for an at-large role by Feb. 16.

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